The Master of the Knights Templar Overview: The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Chris
t and of the Temple of Solomon , popularly known as the Knights Templar. The Templar's great seal was double-sided and showed the picture of The Dome of the Rock. The Dome of the Rock is a famous Islamic shrine in Jerusalem.... (some opinions are that the picture represents a circular dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Overview: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, called the Church of the Resurrection by Eastern Christians, is a Christian church ...) on one side and the Order's symbol of two knights on one horse on the other side. There was also a smaller, single-sided seal, which showed the Dome of the Rock (or the circular dome of the Holy Sepulchre). Every Grand Master seal shares distinctive characteristics. In order to avoid misuse, special measures were taken regarding the seals. They were kept in a locked compartment which required three keys to open. The Grand Master himself kept one of these keys, and two of his high officials held the others. The forgery of the seals was a very difficult process because each seal was unique and hand made.
Background: The officials of religious orders had their own Seal (device). Summary: A seal is an impression printed on, embossed upon, or affixed to a document in order to authenticate it, in lieu of or to validate documents approved by the order. The seal was the equivalent of a modern day Signature. A signature is a handwritten depiction of someone's name that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity. Furthermore, in a time when the majority of people were illiterate, the seal was an acknowledgment of a document's authenticity. A seal was a declaration that the person or group whose seal was affixed validated the content of the document, even if they couldn't sign their names. The Templars, like any other individual or group, we needed a seal whose imagery expressed something positive and fundamental about our organization.

Background: The officials of religious orders had their own Seal (device). Summary: A seal is an impression printed on, embossed upon, or affixed to a document in order to authenticate it, in lieu of or to validate documents approved by the order. The seal was the equivalent of a modern day Signature. A signature is a handwritten depiction of someone's name that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity. Furthermore, in a time when the majority of people were illiterate, the seal was an acknowledgment of a document's authenticity. A seal was a declaration that the person or group whose seal was affixed validated the content of the document, even if they couldn't sign their names. The Templars, like any other individual or group, we needed a seal whose imagery expressed something positive and fundamental about our organization.